The person who isolates the cardiopulmonary system using the heart lung machine and provides perfusion in the operation of the surgeon and
anesthesiologist in the operations of the heart and large vessels requiring extracorporeal circulation is called “Perfusion Technician”.
While providing extracorporeal circulation, the functions of the cardiopulmonary system must be fully performed and perfusion technicians
must perform their duties completely and during this process, they should not damage the cardiopulmonary system,
blood and any organs of the patient. In this sense, the responsibilities of the perfusionist are vital.
The mission of the Perfusion Techniques Program is to train candidates for perfusion technicians who are equipped with knowledge and
skills in the field of perfusion, can fulfill all their duties and responsibilities related to their professions, and can improve themselves
by following the national and international publications and current information about their field.
This program offers the opportunity to practice the skills gained through hands-on training in the best way in the professional
business life when you graduate.
Graduates of the program can work in private and public hospitals as an important part of cardio vascular surgery team and
lung transplant teams in hospitals. They can also work in biomedical equipment companies. also participate in scientific
studies in universities
Nursing, Nursing and Health Services, Perfusion.