
updated: 06.04.2016


According to YGS (without additional points) and LYS results, students who preferred Istanbul Aydin University undergraduate programs in their first three preferences except the programs that take students with Foreign Language score and who are placed to Istanbul Aydin University by OSYM and enrolled.

Candidates within the first 500;
- Free undergraduate education at Istanbul Aydin University
- Free Master and PhD degrees abroad(at Universities determined by Istanbul Aydin University) will be provided a monthly $ 500 scholarship.

Candidates between 501 and 1000;
- Free undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. education at Istanbul Aydın University
- Free graduate education abroad (at Universities determined by Istanbul Aydin University Istanbul ) will be provided monthly $ 500 scholarship.

Candidates between 1001 and 5000;
- Will be providedFree undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. education at Istanbul Aydın University.

Candidates between 5001 and 10000;
- 50% of the tuition fee will be granted for undergraduate, graduate and PHD education at Istanbul Aydın University.


For Students that placed Istanbul Aydin University associate or graduate programs as their first, second, third, fourth or fifth preferences by the placement of OSYM are given 30% Preference Scholarship during their education regardless of the order of settlement.

Among the students who enrolled in Istanbul Aydin University associate or graduate programs:
- Those whose parents are members of Turkish Armed Forces, Security Forces or National Education
- Those whose are children, brothers and sisters of Martyr (except terrorist martyrs) are given 5% scholarship for undergraduate programs and 10% for associate programs. Children, brothers and sisters of terrorist martyrs; in undergradaute programs 10, in association programs 20 students will be given 100% scholarships after the confirmation of the Ministry of Interior, Turkish General Staff, Gendarmerie General Command and the General Directorate of Security.


Non-scholarship students who have the first rank in a usual a course load during the academic year are given “High Merit Scholarships” for the next academic year. The amount is determined by the Board of Trustees.


Istanbul Aydin University non-scholarship students who have won a gold medal in national and international competitions and who are National Athletes are given “Sports Achievement Scholarship”. The amount is determined by the Board of Trustees.


Students who have won gold, silver and bronze medals in international competitions identified by TUBITAK and who enrolled in related programs will be awarded 10% “Grant Scholarship”.


Students who have the first, second and third rank in their departments are given 10% between 6% “Merit Scholarship”.


Istanbul Aydin University grants a “Foundation Scholarship” to non-scholarship students who are placed by OSYM and enrolled to the University by taking into account the students’ educational status and payment difficulties. The amount of the scholarship and the number of students are determined by the Foundation. Depending on development in business and the employment market, certification training opportunities are offered to Istanbul Aydin University students to support their personal development. If the student is qualified to receive more than one scholarship, the one with the highest amount is granted to the student.

EBS : İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Eğitim Öğretim Bilgi Sistemi İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi AKTS Bilgi Paketi AKTS Bilgi Paketi ECTS Information Package Avrupa Kredi Transfer Sistemi (AKTS/ECTS), Avrupa Yükseköğretim Alanı (Bologna Süreci) hedeflerini destekleyen iş yükü ve öğrenme çıktılarına dayalı öğrenci/öğrenme merkezli öğretme ve öğrenme yaklaşımı çerçevesinde yükseköğretimde uluslarası saydamlığı arttırmak ve öğrenci hareketliliği ile öğrencilerin yurtdışında gördükleri öğrenimleri kendi ülkelerinde tanınmasını kolaylaştırmak amacıyla Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından 1989 yılında Erasmus Programı (günümüzde Yaşam Boyu Öğrenme Programı) kapsamında geliştirilmiş ve Avrupa ülkeleri tarafından yaygın olarak kabul görmüş bir kredi sistemidir. AKTS, aynı zamanda, yükseköğretim kurumlarına, öğretim programları ve ders içeriklerinin iş yüküne bağlı olarak kolay anlaşılabilir bir yapıda tasarlanması, uygulanması, gözden geçirilmesi, iyileştirilmesi ve bu sayede yükseköğretim programlarının kalitesinin geliştirilmesine ve kalite güvencesine önemli katkı sağlayan bir sistematik yaklaşım sunmaktadır. ETIS : İstanbul Aydın University Education & Training System Istanbul Aydin University ECTS Information Package ECTS Information Package European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) which was introduced by the European Council in 1989, within the framework of Erasmus, now part of the Life Long Learning Programme, is a student-centered credit system based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives of a programme specified in terms of learning outcomes and competences to be acquired. The implementation of ECTS has, since its introduction, has been found wide acceptance in the higher education systems across the European Countries and become a credit system and an indispensable tool supporting major aims of the Bologna Process and, thus, of European Higher Education Area as it makes teaching and learning in higher education more transparent across Europe and facilitates the recognition of all studies. The system allows for the transfer of learning experiences between different institutions, greater student mobility and more flexible routes to gain degrees. It also offers a systematic approach to curriculum design as well as quality assessment and improvement and, thus, quality assurance.