Objective Scope and Basis
Objective and scope
ARTICLE 1: The objective of this instruction is to take necessary measures and make arrangements in order to make the education of the disabled students in T.C. Istanbul Aydin University easier and compose working principles within the scope of Istanbul Aydin University Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports.
ARTICLE 2: This instruction is organized according to the Objective 8 of Advisor and Coordination Instruction of Disabled People in the Higher Education Institution which is on the basis of Objective 15 of the decrees about the changes on some decrees and statutory decree dated 01/07/2005 numbered 5378.
Istanbul Aydın University Disabled Students Unity Organization and working Principles
ARTICLE 3: The Administration of Istanbul Aydın University Disabled Students Unity under charge of The Vice Rector constitutes Disabled Students Unity in order to determine the academic, administrative, physical, psychological, quartering and social needs of disabled students and specify what to do to fulfill the needs and plan, perform, improve the actions to be taken and then evaluate the results.
Istanbul Aydın University Disabled Students Unity carries out all the works under the coordination of Directorate of Health Culture and Sports. The obligation period of members of the unity is 3 years is constituted as indicated below:
The Unity of Disabled Students
Head: Vice Rector
Secretary- General or Assistant of Secretary- General
Directorate of Health Culture and Sports
Head of Registrar's Office
Directorate of Administrative Affairs Support and Technical Service
Chief Doctor of Infirmary
The Coordinator of AREM
Obligations of the Unity
a) To fulfill the needs of the disabled students who are matriculated to Istanbul Aydin University Programs and to identify the difficulties they can face, specify the precaution, offer solutions and do the necessary arrangements.
b) Organize education programs not to prevent academic, physical, psychological and social lives of disabled students and determine special course materials, equipments for disabled students and to prepare education, research and quartering environment suitable for disabled students.
c) To deal with the publication for the instructors and the students in higher education, to prepare informative documents for the instructors to inform about disabilities, disabled student, the boundedness because of their disabilities and the necessary organization, to rise awareness, to service as advisor and organize in service training when it is required.
d) Develop programs and projects on this issue.
e) To prepare the schedule of the unity and carry out; prepare an annual budged and annual activity report and then present to Vice Rector.
f) To organize seminars, conferences and similar activities.
g) To create a website which allows disabled students from İstanbul Aydın University to express their needs and wishes, as well as to keep in touch with their coordinating department. The department in question is part of the higher education institutes and manages the information, documents and related issues.
h) To supervise the implementation of the decisions taken and the strategies outlined.
k) To work out ways in which to provide free of charge the disabled students that are in financial difficulties with the necessary mobility aids
l) To ensure the disabled students are graded and evaluated in a rightful manner the same way as all the students, and provided with equal opportunities during the education course. For this purpose all the necessary precautions and preparations related with time, place, materials and aid attendants will be taken in order to accommodate the students to their special needs.
m) To prepare a report that informs the Student Selection and Placement Center about the higher education programs that disabled students are able to attend, before applying for the Student Selection Examination.
n) To present a report to the Rectorate of İstanbul Aydın University at the beginning of every term with the yearly plan and the results of the previous term that regard the disabled students of the university.
Enforcement and Implementation
Article 5
– This directive is enforced starting with the date approved by the Senate of İstanbul Aydın University
Article 6
– The provisions of this directive are implemented by the Rectorate of İstanbul Aydın University