
LEVEL: Bachelor's Degree, TYYÇ: Level 6, EQF-LLL: Level 6, QF-EHEA: First Cycle

Level of Contribution from 0 to 5* Level of Contribution Existence of Contribution (Relation)
Course-Programe LOs Relations
Compulsory Course Units
No Name of the Course Unit Programme Learning Outcomes
3 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY-I00000000000000000000000000.00
4 INTRODUCTION TO GASTRONOMY5533122110312111122122014335.83
5 CULTURE AND CUISINE2004002000000000030000021310.83
6 BASIC FOOD SCIENCE1000521211031110011000012218.33
7 KÜLTÜR TARİHİ11050010000000000000000086.67
8 İŞ SAĞLIĞI VE GÜVENLİĞİ050000000000000000000005108.33
9 SANAT TARİHİ00050000000000000000000054.17
10 BİLİMSEL ARAŞTIRMA VE SUNUM TEKNİKLERİ0100000033000000055403002420.00
11 BESLENMENİN TEMEL İLKELERİ VE GIDA KİMYASI2000500222030000000000001613.33
12 GARDE MANGER0033254422332233300000014537.50
13 FOOD PROCESSING TECHNIQUES2200350333233020033003014134.17
14 PASTRY AND DESSERTS1121351110342022222222014235.00
15 KITCHEN PRACTICE-I2212255533350332211000025243.33
16 KITCHEN PRACTICE-II2212255533351332211000025344.17
17 FOOD HYGIENE AND SAFETY3520310553504011123004055344.17
18 GASTRONOMİ İÇİN MATEMATİK0000000333000000202000001310.83
19 YEMEK SOSYOLOJİSİ00000000000000000000000000.00
20 GASTRONOMİ İÇİN İNGİLİZCE0000000100000000053530001714.17
21 MENÜ PLANLAMA VE MALİYET KONTROL00000000000000000000000000.00
22 KITCHEN PRACTICE-III2212255533350332211000025243.33
23 KITCHEN PRACTICE-IV2212255533350333211000025344.17
24 FOOD&BEVERAGE SERVICES MANAGEMENT3450021555502255544235127562.50
25 GRADUATION PROJECT1111333222222220555502025344.17
26 WORLD CUISINE2103155300250010000002213327.50
27 TURKISH CUISINE2103155300250010000002213327.50
28 ENTREPRENEURSHIP2030000343000003533253014033.33
29 MYTHOLOGY00050000000000000000220097.50
30 ENGLISH-I000000000000000003233000119.17
31 ENGLISH-II0000000000000000033330001210.00
32 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS MANAGEMENT5250000322300010120000002621.67
33 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT2350000332000003322032133730.83
34 INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR2230000353000015500353124335.83
35 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ETHICS3500000010000003300005052520.83
36 TURKISH LANGUAGE-I000000000000000001132120108.33
37 TURKISH LANGUAGE-II000000000000000001132120108.33
38 WORK PLACEMENT I1353055432442221100021005041.67
39 WORK PLACEMENT-II1353055432442221100021005041.67
40 WORK PLACEMENT III1353055432442221100021005041.67
Related number of course units / 4026221717141717242520171612121918212120121719722--
Level of contribution525651503570607968525461252639404951463643451144--
*Level of Contribution (0-5): Empty-Null (0), 1- Very Low, 2- Low, 3- Medium, 4- High, 5- Very High
Programme Elective Course Units
No Name of the Course Unit Programme Learning Outcomes
1 INDUSTRIAL FOOD PRODUCTION1230151440512054211111014638.33
2 ALCOHOLIC AND NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES0102352220230010011002112924.17
3 CAKES AND CHOCOLATE2003254300253230211000013932.50
4 SPICES AND SOUCES1100252210221021111012012924.17
5 GASTRONOMY AND TOURISM2002001331000010022001011915.83
6 SEAFOODS0000553300030000000000012016.67
7 BAKLAVA VE DİĞER ŞERBETLİ TATLILAR0011252201220001100000012117.50
8 FOOD STYLING AND PHOTOGRAPHY4115311532511221322021125142.50
9 CATERING AND EVENT MANAGEMENT3350000553303255322014135848.33
10 MENU PLANNING5300322552121222222011014638.33
11 VEGETARIAN AND DIETARY CUISINE2110420332121100022002023125.83
12 FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT5520110555205215222331036050.00
13 ÜRÜN GELİŞTİRME VE DUYUSAL ANALİZ2210151544251002555011015344.17
14 ARAŞTIRMA VE SUNUM TEKNİKLERİ0000000555000000055511323730.83
15 GASTRONOMİ VE PAZARLAMA00000000000000000000000000.00
Related number of course units / 15109751111101411911109698912123811414--
Level of contribution2719141327411952402527261811222121262691117621--
*Level of Contribution (0-5): Empty-Null (0), 1- Very Low, 2- Low, 3- Medium, 4- High, 5- Very High
Faculty Elective Course Units
No Name of the Course Unit Programme Learning Outcomes
1 RECENT TENDENCIES IN CULTURE AND ARTS20050000000000000000000186.67
2 AESTHETICS AND PHILOSOPHY OF ART20050000000000000000000075.83
3 CONTEMPORARY ART THEORIES200500000000000000002001108.33
4 ART ANALYSIS20030000000000000000200186.67
5 YAPAY ZEKA VE DİJİTAL TEKNOLOJİLER00000000000000000000000000.00
6 DESIGN AND VISUAL CULTURE200500000030000000000001119.17
7 ISLAMIC AND EASTERN ARTS00050000000000000000000275.83
8 AVANGARD TRENDS IN WESTERN ART20050000000000000000000186.67
9 SEMIOLOGY AND ART200500000000000000002001108.33
10 SOCIOLOGY AND ART200500000000000000002001108.33
Related number of course units / 10800900000010000000004008--
Level of contribution16004300000030000000008009--
*Level of Contribution (0-5): Empty-Null (0), 1- Very Low, 2- Low, 3- Medium, 4- High, 5- Very High
University Elective Course Units
No Name of the Course Unit Programme Learning Outcomes
1 WOMEN AND EXERCISE00000000000000000000000110.83
2 CYBER SECURITY00000002200000000000000043.33
3 PEER GUIDANCE00000000000000000000000000.00
4 RHYTHM DANCE AND ORFF TRAINING00000000000000000000200021.67
5 EDUCATION WITH COMPUTER GAMES00000001000000001000000021.67
6 MULTIMEDIA DESIGN AND PRODUCTION00000000000000000000000000.00
7 INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN00000000000000000000000000.00
9 INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOGRAPHY00000000000001001000000021.67
10 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION0000000530000004000550302520.83
11 HUMAN RIGHTS (ECHR AND CASE LAW)00000000000000000000000000.00
12 CONSUMER LAW00000000000000000000000000.00
13 KARİYER PLANLAMA00000000000000000000000000.00
14 FİNANCİAL LİTERACY00000000000000000110000021.67
15 EUROPEAN PALACE GARDENZ00000000000000000000000000.00
16 TECHNOLOGY ADDICTION00000000000000000000000000.00
17 SOCIOLOGY00000000100000000000330297.50
18 CONTEMPOARY APPROACHES IN PEACE STUDIES00000000000000000000000000.00
19 DIGITAL COMMUNICATION0000000000000000055533002117.50
Related number of course units / 19000000033000010233334212--
Level of contribution00000008600001073881313633--
*Level of Contribution (0-5): Empty-Null (0), 1- Very Low, 2- Low, 3- Medium, 4- High, 5- Very High
EBS : İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Eğitim Öğretim Bilgi Sistemi İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi AKTS Bilgi Paketi AKTS Bilgi Paketi ECTS Information Package Avrupa Kredi Transfer Sistemi (AKTS/ECTS), Avrupa Yükseköğretim Alanı (Bologna Süreci) hedeflerini destekleyen iş yükü ve öğrenme çıktılarına dayalı öğrenci/öğrenme merkezli öğretme ve öğrenme yaklaşımı çerçevesinde yükseköğretimde uluslarası saydamlığı arttırmak ve öğrenci hareketliliği ile öğrencilerin yurtdışında gördükleri öğrenimleri kendi ülkelerinde tanınmasını kolaylaştırmak amacıyla Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından 1989 yılında Erasmus Programı (günümüzde Yaşam Boyu Öğrenme Programı) kapsamında geliştirilmiş ve Avrupa ülkeleri tarafından yaygın olarak kabul görmüş bir kredi sistemidir. AKTS, aynı zamanda, yükseköğretim kurumlarına, öğretim programları ve ders içeriklerinin iş yüküne bağlı olarak kolay anlaşılabilir bir yapıda tasarlanması, uygulanması, gözden geçirilmesi, iyileştirilmesi ve bu sayede yükseköğretim programlarının kalitesinin geliştirilmesine ve kalite güvencesine önemli katkı sağlayan bir sistematik yaklaşım sunmaktadır. ETIS : İstanbul Aydın University Education & Training System Istanbul Aydin University ECTS Information Package ECTS Information Package European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) which was introduced by the European Council in 1989, within the framework of Erasmus, now part of the Life Long Learning Programme, is a student-centered credit system based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives of a programme specified in terms of learning outcomes and competences to be acquired. The implementation of ECTS has, since its introduction, has been found wide acceptance in the higher education systems across the European Countries and become a credit system and an indispensable tool supporting major aims of the Bologna Process and, thus, of European Higher Education Area as it makes teaching and learning in higher education more transparent across Europe and facilitates the recognition of all studies. The system allows for the transfer of learning experiences between different institutions, greater student mobility and more flexible routes to gain degrees. It also offers a systematic approach to curriculum design as well as quality assessment and improvement and, thus, quality assurance.